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Meeting with a japanese scientist

On September 13, 2022, in order to strengthen ties with international partner universities, a meeting and discussion forum of the faculty of the Institute of History and Law was held with a Japanese scientist, Professor of Central Asian Studies at the Slavic Center of Hokkaido University, Doctor of Philosophy Tomohiko Uyama. The event was attended by Chingis Nurlanov, vice-rector for social development of Abai KazNPU, Gabit Kenzhebaev, director of the Institute of History and Law, as well as scientists, young researchers and students of the institute.

At the scientific rally, the scientist Tomohiko Uyama gave a lecture on new documents about R. Marsekeov related to the Alashorda movement from the archive of the history of foreign policy of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and about his research on the history of Kazakhstan. During the lecture, the Japanese scientist T. Uyama made a report on the request in 1919 to the Japanese government for assistance and recognition of the government of Alash-Orda (Kazakh Autonomous Government) and rendering assistance to it, as well as relevant documents from the Archive of the History of Foreign Policy.

In these documents, R. Marsekov expressed the desire of the Kazakhs to create an independent state in the future together with neighboring Muslim peoples, and also noted the plans of Alash-Orda to send its representative to the Paris Peace Conference.

The meeting was attended by prominent scientists of the country - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Koigeldiyev Mambet Kulzhabayuly, Sultan Khan Akkuly, Director of the Alash Research Institute of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, took part and shared his thoughts about H. Gabbasov, R. Marsekov, M. Shokay. At the end of the meeting, the questions of participating scientists and students were answered.

At the same meeting, a discussion took place that provided valuable information about the history of Alash, which occupies a prominent place in the history of the Kazakh state.









