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Dear collegues!

Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University and Republican Educational and Health Centre «Baldauren-Kapshagai» invite students of your university to take part in the International Olympiad on natural scientific disciplines among students of pedagogical specialities.

February 28-29, 2020.

Location: Kapshagai, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, Republican Educational and Health Centre «Baldauren-Kapshagai»

The working languages are English, Kazakh and Russian.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to create favourable conditions for intellectual development, professional growth of young people and popularization of the teaching profession.

The team of the Olympiad consists of 3 students.

The Olympiad will include three stages:
1) Stage I - Preliminary-shooting a 5-minute video in English on the topic: «Why I chose the profession of a teacher»
2) Stage II - Writing an essay in favourable language on a problem topic in the specialty
3) Stage III- Solving a case on a pedagogical topic

Preliminary program of the Olympiad
27 February
Evening - arriving
28 February
10:00 - Opening of the Olympiad
10:30 12:30 -Stage II - Essay stage / Watching the participants` videos by jury
16:00-18:00-Stage III - Cases stage
10:00-Summing up and closing of the Olympiad


Host organizations: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Republican Educational and Health Centre «Baldauren-Kapshagai»

Address of the Organisation Committee:
050010, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk avenue., 13, Abai University.
Contacts: phone: +77027777583, +77077117795, +77051823232.

Participant application form