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Opening of the plaque in honour of the founders of the university


On October 5, 2022 in Abai KazNPU within the framework of celebration of 150 years anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, grand opening of plaque in honour of state and public figures, which contributed to the foundation of the university, took place. The event was initiated by the project office «Rukhani Zhangyru».


The main purpose of the plaque is to commemorate and respect the teaching staff of the first university in the history of Kazakhstan and to create a national spirit and patriotic consciousness among young people.


The event began with a flower laying ceremony at the memorial plaque by Deputy Chairman of the Board, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the University Bektemisov Maktagali and A. Baitursynov`s granddaughter Aiman Baisalova. Maktagali Abdimazhituly noted the place of the Teacher of the Nation in the history of the university and his merits in the field of pedagogy, and Aiman Kabidenkyzy expressed her best wishes to the youth.


Berikhan Almukhambetov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the University, delivered a congratulatory speech and read out to the guests and participants poems dedicated to teachers. He shared with young people instructions on upbringing and education.


The university not only trains pedagogical staff, but also develops students` talents. One of them, Serik Yeldos, a student of Kazakh language and literature, recited a poem dedicated to the participants in the celebration.


Ceremony ended with the presentation of souvenirs by the university to the guests of honour of the event.









