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My recommended book fair

On October 17, 2022, the Kitap time reading club of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU organised a book fair «My recommended book».


The event was opened by Bakhyt Sydykov, Director of the Institute, and Zhasulan Mukashev, Deputy Director for Educational Work. Students from 7 institutes participated in the fair. All of them said that such useful and necessary activities should be conducted as often as possible. There were not only students, but also teachers who spend their free time reading books.


It is certain that everyone who came found what they were looking for at our fair as the tables were filled with books of all genres from nursery rhymes to detectives.


The world around the reader is always full of surprises during the immersion process in a book. Watching the students talking about their favourite books, we noticed a spark in their eyes, a sincere love of reading.


The expectations of the fair were fully met. Students who have just recently crossed the threshold of our university, very actively started to sign up for the library, which is located in the building of the Institute of MFI. That was the main aim of the fair - to encourage the younger generation to read books!





