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Webinar «Kazakhstan-Russian experience in the organization of distance learning»



Date: April 14, 2020

Time: 16.00

Form of: online conference through Zoom

Webinar language: Russian

ID: 495 725 8697

Password: 8E2020k

Link to the webinar:




6.00-16.10 Opening of the webinar. introduction

Satmurzaev Asan Adasbekovich, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Abai KazNPU


16.10-16.25 Issues of ensuring the quality of the content of distance learning courses

Baidildina Adilya Manatovna, Director of the Department for the Design of Educational Programs, Abai KazNPU


16.25-16.40 Organization of online video conferencing on various platforms (Zoom, Google Hangouts, BigBlueButton, etc.)

Bidaybekov Daniyar Yesenovich, Deputy Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Distance Education of Abai KazNPU


16.40-16.55 Methods of distance learning STEM educational courses

Bostanov BG, director of STEM-park of Abai KazNPU