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«Colour Party» at physicists in the Team building format


On November 26, 2022, the Department of Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics held a «Colour Party» in the «Team building» format. During the event, students answered quiz questions on the section of atomic physics, the best participants were chosen by the jury and prizes were awarded.


The students of the groups 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 of FEK-201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 and 207 created thematic video clips for the 1st intermediate control on the discipline «Physics of the atom and atomic nucleus». Teams were created within each group to cover all students. A special competition was organised to evaluate the video works and the winners were awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees. The most creative student with the most views on YouTube received the grand prize. Tulabek Akbota, Shamihan Araylym, Yusup Akmarzhan and Embayeva Movsum of FEK-204 group won the grand prize.


Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Sydykov B.D. and Deputy Director for Educational Work Mukhashev J.E. presented the awards.


In order to lift the spirits of those present, a «Colour Party» was held. Under the terms of the game, each group brought snacks and drinks according to the colour chosen by lottery. The students, who thoroughly enjoyed the evening, thanked the organisers.


The event was moderated by Associate Professor of the Physics Department Rystygulova V.B. and teacher Sultanova K.J.


Jury of the competition - teachers of the department Alieva M.E., Dzhaksigeldinova E.A., Kemeljanova S.E., Meimankulova S.S.


To watch the video of the festive party please follow the link:








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