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Future lawyers continued the regular 77th conference


On November 28, 2022 the regular 77th conference of undergraduate and graduate students «Youth of the country - the guarantor of independence», organized by members of the club «Zanger» of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU and the head of the club Meirbekova Gulzhazira took place.

The conference began with the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan and continued with a minute of silence in memory of all those who in different years fought for the independence of our state.

At the opening of the event with a welcoming speech by the Head of the Department of «Jurisprudence», Associate Professor Saylibayeva Zhanel. Students of 2-3 courses read their articles, where they touched upon the most actual problems of the society.

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the Institute of History and Law Muratkazin Mukhtar and Deputy Director for Educational Work Manapov Nurlan appreciated the work of active students and club members and awarded them with letters of appreciation on behalf of the Rector. The conference continued the traditional ceremony of handing over the baton of the club «Zanger» to the3rd year students. The evening ended with closing remarks of the guests, including the teacher of the Institute of History and Law Kenzhebekova Elmira and the head of the club Meirbekova Gulzhazira.



