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International Pedagogical Lounge continues its work

On December 10, 2022, a regular meeting was held in the International Pedagogical Lounge. The pedagogical lounge brought together teachers and university professors from Almaty, Konaev, S.Arna, Grodno, Biysk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Volgograd, Moscow, Perm, Kokand. This time we talked about digital teaching assistants.

The problem of «Digital content as a means of organizing practical training of students in a network format» was raised by the senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education of VSGPU (Volgograd, Russia) Kozyulina E.O. The teacher shared her experience in creating online content in the discipline «Psychology», showed the algorithm for creating tasks for students. In the course of her speech, E.O. Kozyulina offered the audience to answer questions about the speech, to complete tasks.

Romanova M.A. - Professor of IPiPO MSPU (Moscow, Russia) talked about the creation of tasks for schoolchildren on various educational platforms. In her speech, she paid special attention to the mistakes that can be made when compiling assignments for students in various cloud services. Also, in the process of working with the audience, M.A. Romanova suggested that the participants find mistakes in the tasks, formulate them correctly.

During the work of the living room, the participants asked questions, were interested in individual moments of the speeches.

At the end of the work of the pedagogical living room, moderator Ryabova E.V. invited the participants to write a problem of modern education, which they would like to discuss at the next meeting.



