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Information on the spring session of the 2019/2020 academic year


By the decision of the Academic Council of the University of April 24, 2020 and in accordance with the Academic Calendar, the spring session (intermediate control) of the 2019/2020 academic year will be held from May 4 to June 7, 2020, in remote format.

Examinations will be held in the following forms:
- An online test in the «UNIVER» system and using a proctoring system to ensure the principles of academic honesty.
- Examinations in creative disciplines in the format of video conferencing and proctoring is also used.

Considering the recommendations of the MES of RK and the wishes of many students and undergraduates of the university, it was decided to set an examination grade for the discipline based on current grades without passing exams. Such a system will be applied on the personal application of students and taking into account the situation with the Internet.