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Continuity of pedagogical practice of students with career guidance work at school


The 3rd year students of the speciality 6B03111-Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology continue their field internship in school gymnasium No 53 of Almaty city. The supervisor and methodologist of pedagogical practice is doctor of psychological sciences, professor of «General and applied psychology» chair Akazhanova Alma. During the practice, she regularly conducts methodical and psychological work with students-practitioners, gives consultations on psychodiagnostic work.


On February 10, 2023, the 3rd year students of the specialty «6В03111- Psychology» with the assistance of vice principal on educational work of school-gymnasium No 53 Seydakova Nurjamal, psychologists of school-gymnasium Gulsai Koshniyazova and Sadi Aynur carried out a vocational guidance work on the theme «Psychology and career choice» with pupils of 10-11 forms of this school where our internship students work. A.T.Akazhanova highlighted the specialities in which Abai KazNPU trains and spoke about the psychological and pedagogical work carried out by members of the research group (according to the Memorandum) in the juvenile colony. The main topic of the conversation is »The causes of crimes among minors and preventive measures» (From the experience of the research group in the LA-155/6 colony in Almaty. Psychodiagnostic and correctional work). There was a lot of interest from the students, they asked a lot of questions, even several students expressed a desire to attend the event »Open Day», which is scheduled to be held at Abai KazNPU on February 16, 2023.







