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Meeting with the founder and art director of Kazakhstan Fashion Week Alexey Zhen

On February 20, 2023, staff of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sport held a meeting with Alexei Zhen, founder and art director of Kazakhstan Fashion Week, on the topic «Requirements of the Kazakhstan Open Way competition and features of the Fashion Design profession» at the gallery «Zhasampaz». This event was dedicated to students of the specialty Fashion Design in order to become professionals in the future and attract young people to the high fashion industry.

In addition, a graduate of the specialty «Fashion Design» of Abai KazNPU, a leading fashion designer of Fashion Coworking Space BACKSTAGE - Aiyypkanova Nazym was invited as a guest of the event, who spoke about constructive solutions and ways of tailoring the profession «Fashion Design».

The event was organized by teachers of the Department of Design Bekbolatova K. M., Arystanova G. B., Ermakhanbetova A.M.





