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In order to improve the quality of preschool education, a memorandum was signed

On February 24, 2023, the Republican Forum «Modern development of the preschool education system in Kazakhstan: main trends and problems» was held at the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

The purpose of the forum is to discuss changes in the field of preschool education, identify new directions and assess the quality of preschool education, its Kazakhstan scales (ECERS-3), methods and techniques for monitoring the content of preschool education and training, national values in the preschool education system, etc. A memorandum was also signed between Abai KazNPU and the National Association of Investors in the formation of the fund «Bilim Invest» (Vice-President of the Association Batyrbekova G.U.). Specialists and academics in preschool education were invited to the forum, and a comprehensive analysis of the situation in this sphere in Kazakhstan and prospects for its development was made.

Speakers of the forum: Director of the RSI «Institute of Early Childhood Development» of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Adamova M.E.; Professor of the Gumilyov Eurasian National University Zhienbayeva S.N.; Professor of the Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Torebayeva K.Zh.; associate Professor of Dulati Taraz regional University, Kerimbekov R.K.; senior lecturer of the Altynsarin Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute Temirkhanov K.Sh.; head of the department of preschool and primary education of the Almaty regional Educational and Methodological Center for the Development of Education Tumaeva R.K.; head of the kindergarten «Akdidar» (Kunaev) Sasenova N.A.; 2nd-year doctoral student of the specialty 8D01201- «Preschool education and upbringing» M. Izatova.

The Republican forum was attended by the teaching staff of the department and all students of the educational program «Preschool education and upbringing» (students, undergraduates, doctoral students).





