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Job Fair "Young graduates  - 2017"

                On 24  April, 2017 at  Abai KazNPU  was held  was a job fair "Graduate - 2017". The purpose of the fair is to organize a meeting of graduates with employers and help in finding a job.

                An important indicator of any educational institution is the employment of graduates. Therefore Abai KazNPU traditionally holds a "Job Fair". As a result, in 2016 92% of graduates were employed.

Abai KazNPU implements training of personnel in several areas: education, humanities, art, social sciences and business, natural sciences, engineering sciences, service.

             Representatives of the bank were also invited, because our university prepares  economics, banking and jurisprudence staffing .

            Job Fair "Graduate-2017" was held at a high level. The opening ceremony was conducted by the director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology professor Berikzhan  A. Aytulyuly, who in his speech noted that our university always uses innovative monitoring methods for the employment of young specialists. As a result of the searches, the number of interested employers increased and a close relationship between the university and enterprises and organizations was established. Also, the University pays special attention to the acquisition of future specialists of deep knowledge, perfection of professional skills and development of competitiveness. Employment of graduates is one of the important stages. For today, students from different regions get knowledge in our university. More than 200 employers participated in the fair, among them the Head of the Almaty Regional Department of Education L.T. Bazarkulova, representatives of the Almaty city department of education, representatives of the West and East Kazakhstan regional education department, directors of schools in Almaty, representatives of the employment center, employees of the bank and companies.

                Guests of the Job Fair Deputy Head of the West Kazakhstan Regional Education Department Zaura  B. Gumarova , representative of the Education Department of Shymkent  City  Parman  T. Kazybek, representative of the Education Department of Zhambyl Region Bibigul K.   Beisenayev  invited our graduates  and gave useful advice for successful employment.

                 The job fair was given full information about the project of President N.Nazarbayev "With a diploma in the village" and Government Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30 March, 2012 No. 390 "On approval of the Rules for sending a specialist to work".

           During the fair, 1200 vacancies were revealed, which were published on the university website.  /

                 This year the university plans to employ over 1800 graduates.