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Lectures and practical classes on the course "Molecular Cell Biology"


On April 10, 2023 at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU two week cycle of lectures and workshops on the course "Molecular Cell Biology" started. Visiting professor, head of the Laboratory of Bioengineering and Regenerative Medicine NLA, Nazarbayev University, PhD Askarova Sholpan. This course is held within the framework of Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding between National Laboratory Astana and Abai KazNPU, which involves the multilateral development of relations in areas of mutual interest in many promising areas. The lecture course is open to a wide range of stakeholders, including undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, as well as university faculty. Theoretical statements and modern methods used in cell biology are considered during the lectures. A practical seminar on rules of grant application submission to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the RK; on publication of scientific articles in international refereed journals and verbal presentation of scientific research results will be conducted. A workshop on "Modern Advances in Biomedicine and Ecology" is also planned.



