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Play activities in a pre-school organisation


On April 11, 2023, fourth year students of the educational program "6B012-preschool training and education" of Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held open classes in the kindergarten № 96 of Medeu district of Almaty. The event was held in the framework of the socio-cultural project "Development of self-actualization of older children in the process of familiarization with the cultural objects of Almaty".

The aim was to propagate national values, to increase cognitive activity of children, to broaden their outlook, world outlook, vocabulary, to improve their understanding of the environment and to enhance their aspiration and enthusiasm for the theme of the project.


The event was attended by Director of "Career" Centre of Abai KazNPU Kalibekova Saule, Head of kindergarten № 96 Karaseva Natalia, Head of preschool education and social pedagogy department Ulbosyn Kyyakbaeva, teachers of the department - Associate Professor Gulbanu Abitova, Senior Lecturer Razia Karimova, Head of practice, Associate Professor Galiya Taubaeva.


Students of this educational program conducted activities on the following topics: "Domestic animals. Sheep" with children of the younger group (Kamal Zhansaya); middle group - "Travel to zoo in Almaty" (Bayan Nazym); senior group - "Excursion to the Museum of national instruments" (Amir Zhuldyzai, Zhadigerova Akku).


This event promoted a sense of responsibility and purposefulness, love for children and interest to their profession in future specialists.





