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"Abay Readings" competition


In order to increase the interest of the younger generation to the creative work of great poet Abay, to familiarize with his legacy, to strengthen the sense of respect for the history of the country and patriotism in the youth at the university was held a competition "Abay readings". The organizers - 1st year doctoral student of the specialty "8D02308-Literature studies" of Institute of Philology Ainagul Akhmetova and student self-government "Qoldau" of Institute of Natural History and Geography. The participants were freshmen of this institute.

The competition consisted of 4 stages: I - "Olen- sozdin patshasy, soz sarasy"; II - "Zhuyrіkten zhuyrіk оzar zharyskanda"; III - "Abay zholy - halyk zholy" and IV stage - "Konilim andі ugady". Participants showed their skill in expressive reading by heart of poetry and words of exhortation of Abay, in singing of his songs and staging of extracts from the novel-epopee of M.Auezov "Way of Abay".


The Grand Prix was awarded to Saktagan Almatbek, a student (speciality - scientific geography); 1st place - to Ontalap Aibek (scientific chemistry); 2nd - to Nurlan Nurshuak, (biology) and Kurmanbai Azhar (chemistry-biology). 3rd place was shared by Orazgul Melsova (chemistry), Madina Duysenbek (chemistry) and Zhupar Yeleusyzova (chemistry-biology).


Letters of appreciation for active participation were received by Tiles Anel Polatkyzy (chemistry), Aida Kaldybay (chemistry-biology), Esbala Dilnaz (scientific chemistry) and Tolkyn Yermek (chemistry-biology).


Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the students who participated in this competition. May events such as the Abay Readings continue and be popular among today`s youth.







