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Professional development courses


From May 12 to 22, 2023 certified 72-hour professional development courses in online and offline formats were held for the teaching staff of Abai KazNPU, organizations of higher and postgraduate education, colleges, tutors of partner schools, organizations-partners implementing educational dual programs.


The program of professional development courses was aimed at preparing for the design and implementation of dual education programs in order to organize high-quality training of organizations/companies/educational institutions interested in dual education, training of future teachers in accordance with the main directions of educational development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


In order to determine the level of formation of professional competencies of students in the organization of the educational process there was provided an incoming and outgoing survey. In order to control and evaluate the knowledge of the students they were asked to make presentation-essay on the following topics: "Innovative approaches in teaching in the conditions of dual education", "Influence of dual education on the success of professional training of future teacher", "Dual education: problems of introduction and perspective advantages".


At the end of the course the participants who had taken the full course and fulfilled the tasks were awarded the international certificates, the project partners, the representatives of New Generation School - NGS were thanked for their active participation in the development of the dual education. Course organizers - Center for Pedagogical Excellence and the KAZDUAL project team





