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Experiences of the country`s leading universities exchanged

On May 24-25, 2023 a delegation from Nazarbayev University (NU) visited Abay KazNPU with great success. On the second day of the visit guests from the capital`s university - Luis Ramon Rojas-Solozarno, associate provost of postgraduate programmes at NU; Gulnaz Bulebayeva, general manager of the Provost Office; Askhat Bekzhanov, general manager of the Provost Office - met with the academic secretaries of the dissertation councils for doctoral dissertations. The meeting was moderated by Uljarkin Abdigapbarova, Director of the Department of Science. During the meeting Luis Ramon Rojas-Solozarno shared his impressions about the thesis defence on the specialty "6D011800-Russian language and literature" held the day before, he told about the experience of the National University. Both sides exchanged views.


Luis Ramon Rojas-Solozarno then gave a lecture to the deputy directors of institutes for scientific work and doctoral students on "NU Experience in Transformation into a Research University". Important aspects of the algorithm for submitting articles to foreign publications indexed in the Scopus database were revealed. The lecture aroused the keen interest of doctoral students who asked many questions.


At the end of the visit Uljargyn Abdigapbarova gave the guests souvenirs with the symbols of our university with wishes of further cooperation.

















