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17.07.2020 Dear applicants!
In Abai University under quarantine conditions from July 16 to 25, technical secretaries of the admissions committee will conduct online consultations for applicants.
To get information about entering the university you need to connect to the ZOOM platform.
Link to the online consultation of the Admissions Office: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84924574285?pwd=bFphdVVwa1IrSnVTa0Yza0Vtb2k4Zz09.
Identifier: 849 2457 4285
Password: 757031
Admissions office technical secretaries: 1. Auesbekuly Nurmakhan nurmahan_67@mail.ru Call-center: 8(727) 221-85-14.
Working hours of the virtual admission committee: Monday-Friday 9.00-18.00, Saturday 9.00-13.00.