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National rating of leading universities of Kazakhstan - 2023


National rating of the leading universities of Kazakhstan by IQAA-Ranking agency is conducted for the fifteenth time this year.


The rating is presented in the context of multidisciplinary, technical, humanitarian-economic universities of Kazakhstan and 150 groups of educational programmes. In addition, the agency has prepared a rating of universities in Kazakhstan by scientific publications and websites. The results and methodology of all ratings are available on the agency`s website.


The performance of Abai KazNPU in this Rating is as follows:

1. National rating of leading multi-disciplinary universities of Kazakhstan - 4th place;
2. Rating of websites of Kazakhstani universities - 10th place out of 103 universities of Kazakhstan, 1st place among pedagogical universities;
3. Rating of scientific publications of Kazakhstani HEIs - 11th place out of 96 HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

