09.10.2023 Republican scientific-practical conference in honour of the 290th anniversary of Zhaugash batyr
In honour of the 290th anniversary of Zhaugash Batyr, Abylaikhan`s adviser, diplomat and military leader, a republican scientific-practical conference "Khas Batyr, kaharman elshi Zhaugash Kyrbasuly" was held in Merk. The event was organised by the akimats of Zhambyl region and Merken district, as well as the public fund "Zhaugash Batyr".
On behalf of scientists of our university in conference has taken part professor of department "World history" of Institute of history and the right Aitkul Makhayeva who has acted with the scientific report "Kazakhstan-Kyrgyz relations in times of the hero of war". The speaker familiarised the audience with unique historical information written in Kyrgyz on the life of Zhaugash Batyr. The full text of the report is published in the conference proceedings.