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To the attention of applicants for a master`s degree !!!


Acceptance of applications for the competition for postgraduate educational grants will begin on August 27,2020.

To participate in the competition for the award of postgraduate education grants, applicants must submit their applications through the Virtual Admissions Office before September 5 at 18:00:
1) copy of identity card;
2) document on higher education (diploma and appendix);
3) international certificates confirming knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the common European competencies (standards) of foreign language proficiency, on passing the standardized GRE, GMAT test, recognized by the Standard Rules of admission to higher education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK dated 31.10.2018 № 600).


The admission commissions of the HPEO check the authenticity and validity of the submitted certificates.


The application for a master(s degree indicates a group of educational programs and three HPEOs.