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Webinar: how to help teachers working with students with disabilities

On September 23, 2020, at 17.00, the seventh webinar online via ZOOM is planned to be held on the topic: «Burnout syndrome in teachers working with students with disabilities during the rehabilitation of students with disabilities: causes, prevention, ways to overcome».


Organizers: Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of higher and postgraduate education, Abai KazNPU, Resource Advisory center for inclusive education for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Speaker: well-known Russian scientist Aysmontas Bronius Bronevich, Professor of the Department of psychology and pedagogy of distance learning at the Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University, Winner of the Government of the Russian Federation award in the field of education, Honorary worker of Higher education of the Russian Federation.


In order to disseminate good practices of inclusive education in Resource and Advisory centre on inclusive education for universities of Kazakhstan, created DHPE MES from 05.06.2015 year, operates a Virtual laboratory for inclusive education.

Link to the webinar:


Conference ID: 898 9232 8882


Password: 475440


We invite all interested persons to participate in these seminars as speakers and listeners!