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IV International Student Contest of Local History Mathematical Problems for Junior Schoolchildren is over


In the period from October 10 to November 15, 2023, the IV International Student Olympiad on local history mathematical problems for junior schoolchildren was held at the Department of Primary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU. The organizers of the competition: Akpayeva Assel, Lebedeva Larissa, Astambayeva Zhupat, The moderators of the event were 1st year graduate students of the multilingual group.


The jury included teachers of the department: senior lecturer Ryabova E.V., associate professor Bazarbekova Rabiga, teachers of pedagogical universities and primary school teachers of Almaty.


The main objectives of the competition: increasing the interest of students to the traditions, culture and history of their native land; development of research, local history, ethnographic activity in the course of composing local history problems; education of patriotic attitude to their small homeland and careful attitude to its historical and cultural heritage, as well as responsibility for its fate; identification, development and support of students who show aptitudes and abilities to the methodology of mathematics and its study; motivation of students to educational and methodological activity.


The competition was conducted remotely. The participants were divided into age groups: students who did not study mathematics methodology and students who studied mathematics methodology or passed this methodology. Students and students could participate independently and with a supervisor. For preparing three or more participants, the supervisor also received a letter of thanks.


The tasks presented in the papers included local history material covering historical, cultural, natural-climatic, geographical and socio-economic features of the native land. The mathematical content of the tasks corresponded to the programme of the school course of mathematics of primary grades, and the structure of the task was chosen by the participants themselves. The competition was organized in different nominations.


Students from different universities of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia participated. The total number of works was 110. Among the participants were universities and colleges: Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University - 37 works; Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University - 5 works; Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov - 23 works; NKU named after M. Kozybayev - 10 works; Sakhalin State University, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy (RF) - 1 work; Tyumen State University (RF)- 11 works; DSPU Dagestan State Pedagogical University named after R. Gamzatov - 1 work; Kaskelen Humanitarian-Technical College - 3 works; Samara State Social and Pedagogical University (RF) - 6 works; Fergana State University - 6 works; Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University - 1 work; Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov - 4 works; Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno - 1 work; Moscow City Pedagogical University Institute of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology (RF) - 1 work.


This competition was a great opportunity for students to show their abilities in the methodology of mathematics, as well as to deepen their knowledge of the culture and history of their native land. The participants gained valuable experience and motivation for teaching and methodological activities, and the winners were awarded diplomas for their merits.





