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Closing ceremony of the student week "ABAI"

The student week "Abai" organised by the Committee for Youth Affairs came to an end. Within the framework of this action, a creative competition "Abai Zhuldyzdary", competitions "Sport - densaulyk kepili" on football and volleyball, the finals of the games "Zhaidarman", "Oi-like" quiz, debates "Abai - dana, Abai - dara", competition of video clips "Abai media fest" and other interesting events were held. The students were very active in all of them. The culmination of the week was the performance competition "Sahna - mumkindikter mekeni".


Within the framework of this event, the participants had to perform a play based on iconic works of national fiction on the themes: "Makhabbat kyzykmol zhyldar", "Zhusan iisi", "Kyzyl zhebe", "Menin atim Hozha", "Bolmaghan balalyk shak", "Bes boydakhha bir toi". The jury, which evaluated these works, included the head of the department of social and educational work and youth policy of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov, teacher of acting and stage language, actor and singer Saginaev Nurlan, Honoured Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, singer, theatre master Sandugash Stamgazieva, theatre and cinema actors Ondasyn Besikbasov, Olzhas Sak, Aibek Sudil Kudaibergenov, Bagashar Ruslan.


As a result of the competition ІІІ place was taken by the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology - the play "Menin atym Hoja", ІІ place - Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports - the play "Bes boydakka bir toi", І place - Institute of Philology with the play "Makhabbat kyzyk mol zhyldar".


At the closing of the Week, the students and institutes that took the prize-winning places were awarded with diplomas of the Chairman of the University Board - Rector Tlep Bolat and special money certificates. Congratulating our winners, we express our gratitude to each student who showed activity within the framework of the student week "ABAI"! May there be many victories on the way of development and prosperity of our university and the whole country!





















