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Open lesson "Mass media in our lives"

On November 29, 2023, within the framework of pedagogical practice at gymnasium No.168 named after K.Katykbayeva, Almaty, according to the advertising and propaganda directions of the Meirim club, a volunteer student of the 4th year of the educational program "Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge" of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Izimgalieva Aruzhan, under the guidance of associate professor Shirinbayeva Gulbakhira, held an open lesson with students of the 4 "A" class on the topic "Mass media in our lives".

The main purpose of the lesson is to contribute to the formation of media culture (the ability to understand, collect, store, process information) of students. Theoretical coverage the study of new material was revealed in the form of lectures accompanied by a video clip and a heuristic conversation about the rules of safe behavior in the modern information environment, on topical issues "How can we protect ourselves from the negative impact of the media?". The practical form of cognitive activity of the lesson was organized in a creative microgroup using: "Positive attitude" (concentration on Light); exercise "Broken phone"; "Mail"; independent work with information sources; active games "Who is faster?"; "Vitamins"; group singing. To get feedback, an analysis of the positive and negative impact of the media on a person was carried out by filling out a table. When consolidating the studied material, the students concluded by writing an essay on a piece of paper on the topic "Media that I often use."


At the final stage, the exercise "Reflexive Circle" was conducted, where students independently assessed the knowledge gained, analyzed the emotions from what they heard, as well as the information received about the media.








Volunteer club "Meirim"