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Abai Kunanbaiuly is an outstanding Kazakh poet, composer, educator, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature and its first classic, who left an indelible mark on the country`s history. His poems and words of edification reflect the life, outlook, character, soul, religion, mentality, language and spirit of the Kazakh people.

As part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev under the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Online Student Art Festival "Abai Aliemi" will be held to promote the heritage of Abai Kunanbayev, a great educator, poet and thinker.

The National Online Student Art Festival Abai Alemi consists of two stages.
The qualifying stage will be held online in all higher education institutions of the Republic. Dates of the festival: October 30-31, 2020.
The final round will be held at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the online mode on the ZOOM platform. Dates of the event: December 4-5, 2020.


Festival contests:
- Abai olendery;
- Abaidin kara cozdery;
- Abai anderi;
- Abai - әlem Tilderinde;
- Abai Alemi Suret onerinde.


The nationwide online student art festival Abai Alemi held in the country`s higher education institutions should be widely covered by the mass media and social networks using the hashtag #Abai Alemi-2020.


The results of the qualifying stage (video, slide, photo) should be sent by November 6 to Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University to e-mail,

Applications for participation in the final round of the festival will be accepted until 26 November 2020 at the following e-mail addresses:,

Following the results of the festival competitions, the winners will be awarded I, II, III prizes, cash and incentive prizes.
More information about the festival on the pages of instagram @abialemi2020.


Executive Officer of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Janel Ahmedina 87761964550
Responsible person from the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Kazyna Bekbenbetova 87016642721, 8-(727)-291-83-82.

