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Pomor Academy in Slupsk (Poland) and Abai KazNPU
invite to take part in the II International Abai Readings
"Abai: Philosophy, Poetics, Reception"

On December 9-10, 2020, the International Scientific Seminar "Abai: Philosophy, Poetics, Reception" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the Kazakh poet, philosopher and composer will be held.

Due to the epidemiological situation, the event will be held in a remote format (based on the ZOOM platform).

The scientific seminar "Abai Readings:"Abai: Philosophy, Poetics, Reception" is an annual international event held on the basis of the Abai Center of Kazakh culture and science at the Pomor Academy in Slupsk (Poland). The meetings are organized jointly with Abai University as a long-term partner university of the Pomeranian Academy and the initiator of the opening of the Abai Center in Slupsk.

Each participant receives a personalized certificate.


Please read the information letter and the application form for participation in the seminar.