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The final report of the production (pedagogical) practice


On December 5, 2023, the final report of the production (pedagogical) practice of students of specialty «6B01801 - Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» was heard at the K. Katykbayeva Gymnasium No.168. The heads of the practice are associate professors of the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Assem Bulshekbayeva and Ulmeken Toleshova.


The 4th year students completed an active pedagogical internship at a gymnasium school as a social pedagogue for 12 weeks. Industrial pedagogy contributed to the improvement of professional skills and abilities in the process of socio-pedagogical activity, as well as trainees held weekly class hours.


The structure of the industrial practice focused students on harmonious development in professional growth in order to solve the problem of formation of personal and activity resources, the professional position of student interns.


The task of industrial practice: mastering the technologies of social and pedagogical work in order to acquire basic and professional competencies that allow you to competently perform production functions and tasks in a gymnasium school.


Purpose of the production practice: Planning, design and analysis of the educational process; Be able to apply various methods of organizing and implementing educational, cognitive, labor, social, environmental, recreational, gaming and other types of student activities; Implementation of an individual approach that takes into account the peculiarities of the harmonious development of the study of the personality of students in the process of educational and educational work; Conducting socio-pedagogical diagnostics of the state of the holistic pedagogical process; checking the quality of students` assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge; formation and development of professional training; Improvement of general pedagogical and methodological knowledge, skills and abilities implemented during the socio-pedagogical process at school; formation and development of pedagogical abilities. The purpose and objectives of the industrial practice are fully fulfilled by the 4th year students.


At the final conference, the students` report was analyzed, and their work was evaluated by methodologists. Opinions were expressed on the submitted documents. The report reflects the advantages and difficulties of organizing active learning and upbringing, the results of organizing the pedagogical process at school, the steps taken for effective assessment, and directions for further development. Students were able to rationally combine theoretical knowledge with practice, demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills, and abilities.









