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Urbanization is the driving force of the national economy

On 30 October , 2017 at the Department of Regional Studies and Tourism of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai KazNPU, associate professor, candidate of geographical sciences Kaster Sarkytkan organized a round table on the theme: "Urbanization is the driving force of the national economy".

The main purpose of the round table was to consider the initiatives of the The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev`s Address to the Nation of Kazakhstan "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness" and the article «Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan`s identity», to make theoretical and practical conclusions in the scientific circles.


The round table was held on the basis of the discipline "Geography of Cities", within the framework of which the senior teacher Kaster Sarkytkan gives lectures to the 2nd year course master`s degree students.

The event was attended by the 2nd year course master`s degree students and teaching staff of the department of geography and tourism. namely Dariga Zhangeldina, Talgat Oshanuly, Gulmira Yertyskyzy, Gaukhar Abdikarimova, Dina Meliskyzy and others.

The following issues were discussed at the round table:
- "Mechanism of the influence of urbanization on the development of the national economy"
- How do we assess the negative impact of global urbanization? The analysis is based on the opinions of international public and non-governmental organizations.
- What kind of urbanization is the process of urbanization in Kazakhstan? What are the problems and prospects for the development of urbanization in our country?

Also, at the round table, research fellow of Kaster Sarkitkan, Hungarian scientist, specialist in the field of culture and tourism Mr. Andras Trosani based his work "The role of cultural economy and tourism in the revival of cities" shared his opinion on this theme.