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Meeting with the Consul General of Turkey and Education Attaché


On 9 February at the Chair of Eastern Philology and Translation held a meeting of 3-4 year students studying Turkish with the Consul General of the Republic of Turkey Evren Mudderisoglu and Education Attaché Ayhan Korkmaz. The meeting was attended by the Director of the Institute of Philology A.V.Tanzharykova, Deputy Director of the Department of Academic Affairs G.K.Balakhmetova, Deputy Director for Scientific Work A.A.Naimanbaev, Head of the Chair of International Programmes and Cooperation J.Murat, Head of the Chair of Eastern Philology and Translation N.N.Konkabaeva, as well as teachers of Turkish language - E.Z.Esbossynov, G.K.Satbay, D.M.Ashimova, N.Kh. Kospaganbetova.


One of the main topics of discussion at the meeting with the Consul General and attachés was the system of education in Turkish universities. In particular, the guests tried to give comprehensive answers to the questions concerning the choice of educational institution, conditions of admission and study in Turkey. The great interest and aspiration of our students to study abroad was also evidenced by the numerous questions to the students present at the event who had completed one semester of the academic mobility course in Turkey.


At the end of the meeting the guests from the Republic of Turkey and the Director of the Institute of Philology A.V.Tanzharykova, expressing words of gratitude, exchanged memorable gifts and a letter of thanks from our university.



