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Abai University students won 2nd place in the Asia Zangeri game trial competition


The 3-stage "Asia Zangeri" national game trial competition organised by the Supreme Court and Judicial Administration of the RoK, which started in November 2023, has come to an end.


In the first round, out of 167 teams, only the top 10 teams made it to the finals. Two teams - #90 and #115 - consisted of 3-4 year students of the speciality "Jurisprudence" of the Institute of History and Law of the Abay KazNPU. On 9 February 2024, in the final of the competition, members of team #90 Shamet Daniya, Kabylova Aym, Bokhanova Aidana took the 2nd place and received a certificate for 700,000 tenge. Members of the second team Zhumadildinova Aruzhan, Abakan Aknur, Alen Abylai with 98 points took the 3rd place, receiving 1 point lower than the team of the Kazakh Law Academy named after M.Narikbayev.


For Abai University, this is a very high achievement. Our students were supported by Yermek Buribayev, vice-rector for research work of the university, faculty members of the department "Jurisprudence", head of the department Janel Saylybaeva and head of the club "Lawyer" and clinic "Zaң" Gulzhazira Meirbekova.


Taking the 2nd place in the competition organised by the highest judicial instances of the country and conducting legal proceedings in front of the highest professionals is an invaluable achievement that will be remembered by all students forever.





