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From quality education to quality human capital


On 14 February 2024, an extended meeting of the joint board of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "From quality education to quality capital" was held.


The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Tamara Duisenova, Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev, member of the Majilis of the Parliament Askhat Aimagambetov, as well as rectors of universities, heads of research institutes and subordinate organisations, directors of school institutions.


Sayasat Nurbek in his report dwelt in detail on the achievements of 2023 and presented the main tasks and directions in which the department will move. The Minister noted that the scholarship of bachelor`s degree students last year increased by 20%, master`s and doctoral studies - 15%, also increase is planned for this year. Systematic work on popularisation of science and scientists of Kazakhstan, development of infrastructure of higher education institutions and digitalisation of education sphere is carried out. It was emphasised: for 2023 achieved targeted results, and for 2024 set a number of tasks to which the agency together with universities and research institutes have already begun to solve. Also noted was the work done and to be done to improve the quality of training of specialists and retraining of teaching staff.


During the collegium, Chairman of the Board-Rector of Abai KazNPU Bolat Tlep reported in the framework of the work carried out within the framework of implementation of the instructions of the Head of State in the direction of training of pedagogical staff to address the problem of their deficit in the field of secondary education in the country, strengthening the training programme for teachers of a new formation, launching mechanisms for continuous professional development and PGCI programmes. The rector also touched upon the projects "Pedagogical Class", Honors College, which are carried out with the aim of increasing the professional responsibility of the future teacher, improving the quality of education, strengthening cooperation between the school and the University.







