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Republican seminar-workshop "Peaks of Excellence"


On February 15, 2024, the staff of secondary school №185 of the Alatau district of Almaty city organized a republican workshop "Priorities in education: literacy and competence". The following school is a branch of the department according to a bilateral memorandum concluded between the department of primary education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and the school. Senior teacher of the department of primary education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, PhD Astambaeva Zh. K. attended the seminar as an invited guest.

The work of the workshop was opened by the school director D.R. Kerzhikeeva. Guests of the seminar are the head of the Republican Center for Education and Training, Koshkimbaev Zh.F., the representative of the Koremiz program S.Okenuly, the primary school methodologist of the Alatau district education department of Almaty Rysbaeva A.B. and senior teacher, PhD Astambaeva Zh.K. noted the importance of the workshop and wished the speakers good luck.

The purpose of the seminar is to disseminate the innovative work experience of primary school teachers. The seminar consisted of three parts: the first part was devoted to one of the most pressing problems today - inclusive education, the second part - the formation of students` reading and writing skills, the third - the development of functional literacy in the classroom. At the seminar, 17 master teachers from various schools shared their experience and conducted interactive work with guests and seminar participants previously divided into three groups. The seminar participants took part in the discussion of issues, listened to the opinions of their colleagues, and the speakers gave feedback.

The workshop lasted six and a half hours. The event was held at a very high level. The seminar participants got acquainted with new aspects of quality education and upbringing of junior schoolchildren, young specialists gained rich experience in teaching activities. At the end of the seminar, the head of the Republican Center for the Development of Pedagogical Skills Koshkimbaev Zh.F. presented certificates to the participants.





