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Friendly visit of the Estonian Ambassador to RK T.Tirs and expert G.Tire to Abai University


On February 15, 2024, Estonian Ambassador to Kazakhstan Toomas Tirs and the Head of the International Assessments Department of the Estonian Council for Education and Youth- Gunda Tire, visited the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University on a friendly visit to discuss issues of cooperation in the field of science and education. In turn Gunda Tire, as an expert, initiated an open lecture to teachers, young scientists, and students about the International Student Assessment Program (PISA), which aroused the special interest of the audience. During her speech, Ms. Tire shared that the PISA results provide useful data for policy makers, educators and researchers, helping to identify the strengths and weaknesses of educational systems. The extensive experience and knowledge presented with the university staff caused active discussions among the participants, an exchange of ideas and views on optimizing student learning outcomes.

The visit of Ambassador Toomas Tirs and Head of the International Assessments Department of the Estonian Council for Education and Youth Gunda Tire to Abai KazNPU is an important step in the development of mutual understanding and cooperation in the field of education between Estonia and Kazakhstan and will lay the foundation for future initiatives aimed at enriching the academic experience of students and teachers.





