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Meeting of faculty members of the Institute of Philology and pensioners of Alatau district under the Silver University programme


On 20 February 2024, within the framework of the project "Silver University" Akimat of Alatau district of Almaty organised a meeting of pensioners of its territory, which was attended by the director of the Institute of Philology A.V.Tanzharykova, deputy director for scientific work A.A.Naimanbaev, deputy director for educational work A.Abdykalikov, head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation N.N.Konkabaeva, teacher of Arabic language E.J.Kanseitov and teacher of English language U.A.Islyamov. During the meeting an interesting conversation took place, the interests of the first students of our courses were touched upon. The age of pensioners is from 65 to 70 years old. In total 16 people attend English language courses, three - three - Arabic. It was noted that the number of listeners may increase in the future. Classes are held once a week. Despite the years, the elderly people are enthusiastic and pay all their attention to the lessons. They intend to use the acquired knowledge when travelling abroad and getting acquainted with foreign information.





