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Professional support for young specialists and future teachers

From 19 to 24 February 2024, Abay KazNPU hosted the national forum "Methodological landing: professional support for young specialists and future teachers", organised by the Department of Theory and Methodology of the Kazakh Language of the Institute of Philology.


The aim of the event was to offer future teachers and young specialists ways of teaching Kazakh language in a constructive way, combining interdisciplinary, inclusive and research-based principles. Qualified teachers provided training, coaching, master class, workshop, seminar, webinar and shared their professional experience with students.


Nazarbayev University, the branch "Centre for Educational Programmes" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, L.N.Gumilev ENU, Almaty Regional Centre "Inclusive Education and Speech Therapy", Almaty Regional Methodological Centre, branch of the Centre "Orleu" in Mangistau region supported the professional development of students. This process involved the CDI, a branch of ONO JSC, the National Scientific and Practical Institute for Promotion of Children`s Welfare "Orken" in Almaty, secondary school No. 81 in Talgar district of Almaty region, secondary school No. 39 in Karmaksha district of Kyzylorda region, school No. 105 named after A. Zhanpeisov in Yenbekshikazakh district of Almaty region, specialists from secondary school No. 1 named after Sh. Valikhanov in Ili district of Almaty region and secondary school No. 6 named after A. Moldabekov.



