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International competition of pedagogical skills 2024

On March 19, 2024, the results of the annual International competition of pedagogical skills among students of the specialty "Primary Education" were summed up. The purpose of this competition is to develop future specialists`interest in the teaching profession, increase its prestige; create conditions for the development of individual creative abilities of students.

The teams had to complete three competitive tasks.


I task - "Business card" - presentation of the team. The students had to introduce themselves and their future profession.

The second task is "The ideal student". The contestants presented a portrait of an ideal elementary school student.

The third task is "Experts". The students prepared a lesson plan and the necessary methodological materials for it.


The jury members evaluated the creative disclosure of the proposed topic of the business card, the brightness and emotionality of self-presentation, the originality of ideas, innovation and creativity in developing a lesson plan, the depth of content and the level of disclosure of the topic of tasks.


According to the results of the competition, the jury decided to distribute the prizes as follows:

The 1st place was shared by two teams:

The "Pedagogical Alliance" team - Evseyeva Regina, Gordeyeva Sofia, Mamedova Dilyara, Tkachenko Anastasia (Abai KazNPU);

The "First-class Teachers" team - Arina Dronova, Anastasia Kireyeva, Yulia Kynalya, Maria Shumilova (Perm State University of Humanities and Pedagogy).


The 2nd place was won by the teams of:

The Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University "Pedagogical Force" - Valeriya Arkhipkina, Tatyana Borodkina, Elena Rakina, Lyubov Chernyshevskaya;

Lida College of the Yanka Kupala Grodno State University "IT Specialists" - Angelina Volvacheva, Yana Ambroshkevich, Vladislav Glod, Kseniya Bobina;

Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University "The first teacher" - Varavko Ruslana, Kalenik Daria, Savina Valeria, Chepelevich Alexandra.


The 3rd place was taken by the teams:

"Teachers of the Future" - Polina Vestikova, Alexandra Tretyakova, Kirsta Daria, Arina Vinogradova (Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University);

"Scratchers" - Polina Dedysheva, Polina Zharkova, Daria Vilkanets, Anastasia Zapragayeva (Lida College of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University);

"Teachers of Science City" - Toychubekova Zhypar, Vlasova Anastasia, Ramazanova Anastasia, Bulgakova Anastasia (V.M.Shukshin Altai State Humanitarian Pedagogical University).


Congratulations to all the teams! We hope for further cooperation.












