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  The traditional Day of reports of teaching staff of the Department of Russian Language and Literature was held

As part of the Decade of Science 2024 of Abai KazNPU, the traditional Day of reports of the Department of Russian Language and Literature teacher staff was held. The teaching staff of the department prepared 41 reports within 5 sections: sections "Linguistics" (chairman Kuatova G.A.), "Literary studies" (Chairman Sabirova D.A.), "Methods of teaching Russian language and literature" (Chairman Khavaidarova M.M.), "PCRL 1" (chairman Ongarbaeva A.T.) and "PCRL 2" (Chairman R.I. Bekisheva).

The presentations of the teaching staff were devoted to the state of Russian studies in Kazakhstan, its achievements and prospects, topical issues of literary studies and linguistics, innovative methods of teaching Russian language and literature. The work of the sections was fruitful, the reports were accompanied by a constructive discussion of each presentation.