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Integrating the results of research on the biodiversity of Kazakhstan into the educational process for sustainable development


On April 10, 2024, within the framework of the Decade of Science, a project competition was held on the topic "Integrating the results of research on the biodiversity of Kazakhstan into the educational process for sustainable development" with the participation of master students of the 1st year of 7M01513 Biology.

The organizer of the competition is PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Amanbayeva Makhabbat.

The goal is to develop the research skills of master students in the content of Integrating the results of research on the biodiversity of Kazakhstan into the educational process in the interests of sustainable development.

During the competition, master students presented innovative ideas on the possibilities of integrating priority areas of sustainable development goals into the educational process and analyzed new ways to implement the project.

The faculty of the department took part in the competition, who shared their thoughts and made suggestions to master students on the possibility of implementing and commercializing projects. At the end of the competition, undergraduates were awarded diplomas.



