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Presentation of two books by the famous poet


On April 16, 2024, the presentation of two books by the famous poet, critic, laureate of national and international prizes, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Abai Universitet" Bolat Sharakhymbai "Kaishylyktar dilemmasy" and "Zheltoksan: Rukh dauyly" took place at the Zhambyl city Youth library.

The event was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurzhan Kuantai, critic, Doctor of Philology, Professor Kanseyit Abdezuli, writer, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "President Zhane Halyk" Marat Tokashbai, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Kazakhstan dauiri" Yertai Aigaliuly, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Zhyl - he is eki ai" Talgat Aitbayuly, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Ush Konyr" Bolat Batyr, director of the State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sabit Shildebai, publicist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Abdirashit Bakiruly, Candidate of Philology Dauren Mukhamadiev and other famous poets, writers, scientists, intellectuals and public figures of the country.

The famous composer, kuishi Talap Karash played the kui "Kazygurt tolgauy", and a student of KazNPU named after Abai, a young aitysker Sanzhar Dayarbek performed zhyr. Students Aybin Akhmadiev and Aksunkar Almahan read excerpts from the poet`s poems and received special recognition from the audience.

The book "Kayshylyktar dilemmas" is devoted to the genre of criticism. It contains articles about Kazakh literature written by the author in different years. Each is distinguished by a novelty of thought, a variety of opinions.

In the book "Zheltoksan: Rukh dauyly", a participant in the December 1986 events highlights in detail the heroic struggle of young Kazakhs, historical, political and legal issues of the national liberation uprising, which did not receive due assessment. In each article, the author glorifies the great feat that will forever remain in the history of the Kazakh people.

As part of the event, an exhibition of materials from the library`s collections dedicated to the life and work of B.Sharakhymbai was organized, as well as a slide was shown.

During the evening, the chairman of the Makhambet International Foundation, the editor-in-chief of the Ush Konyr newspaper B.Batyr awarded Bolat Sharakhymbai with the Makhambet International Prize and presented a shapan.




