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At Abai University, an enchanting evening unfolded as Chinese classical poetry took center stage


Vice-Rector for Strategy and Internationalization, Aigul Iskakova, set the tone by highlighting the significance of Chinese Language Day on April 20th, inviting everyone to immerse themselves in the rich tradition of Chinese poetry.


This year, the celebration found its home at Abai University, renowned for its pedagogical excellence. Collaborating with the Consulate General of the People`s Republic of China in Almaty, over 200 enthusiasts, including Chinese language educators from various universities in Almaty (Al-Farabi University, Ablai-Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Caspian University, Turan University) and representatives from educational institutions like the International Kazakh-Chinese College and College of Foreign Languages, Tamos Education gathered to partake in the festivities.


The Consulate General also took the opportunity to honor university and college educators for their invaluable contributions to promoting Chinese language and culture.


Throughout the evening, attendees were treated to the timeless verses of esteemed Chinese poets such as Tu Fu, Li Po, Su Shi, their words resonating in the hearts of all present. The fusion of dance and poetry added a captivating dimension to the experience, captivating the senses and stirring emotions.


Beyond the allure of the poetic performances, the event fostered a sense of camaraderie among students and nations alike, underscoring the power of cultural exchange in building lasting friendships.


Encouraged by the success of the evening, participants expressed the desire for more such gatherings, advocating for the integration of poetry and creativity into student engagements as a means of personal and collective growth.






