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Innovative programmes of the project "Introduction of the model of pedagogical education and strengthening its content"

On April 26-27, 2024 in Abay KazNPU held an extended meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the prospects of implementation of innovative programmes within the project "Introduction of the model of teacher education and strengthening its content" of the educational and methodological association "Pedagogical Sciences".


The event was attended by Gulzat Kobenova, Chairperson of the Higher and Postgraduate Education Committee of the MoEHE RK, Gulzhan Jarasova, Deputy Chairperson of the Higher and Postgraduate Education Committee of the MSHE RK, Fatima Zhakypova, Head of the Academic Excellence and Global Competitiveness Group of the Project Management Office of the MSHE RK, Aida Sagintaeva, Dean of the Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University, Aida Sagintaeva, Director of the project "Introduction of a model of teacher education and strengthening of its content", Project Manager, Director of De Z O.O. Andrey Vyshnyak, expert, co-author of the training programme for early diagnosis of autism ADOS-2 Elena Egorova, head of the national group of experts Sabyrzhan Madeev, coordinator of the Project Management Group "Modernisation of Secondary Education" Dastan Esenov, specialist on higher education of the State Unitary Enterprise MNVO RK Botagoz Bermukhambetova and representatives of universities.


During the meeting were considered the main postulates of the concept of teacher education development, the issues of improving the quality of education in the light of priority tasks of the country, the implementation of the plan for the project "Implementation of the model of teacher education and strengthening its content", supported by MSHE RK and the World Bank, as well as the issues of piloting in universities 30 innovative educational programmes.






