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The meeting with the winners of the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad


On April 25, 2024 Rector of Abai university Talep Bolat Anapiyevich accepted the winners of the XVI Republican Subject Olympiad among students organized among the students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program "6B012 - chemistry teacher training".


The Olympiad was held from April 18 to 19, 2024 in Aktau at the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Esenov. At the Olympiad, the student of the 2nd year of specialty "6В01510-Chemistry" Perdebai Berik took the 1st place, the student of the 3rd year of specialty "6В01510-Chemistry" Zhienbaeva Gulnur took the 3rd place, in the team competition 1st place.


The team leader is candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Khanat Dyusebayev. The Rector of the University congratulated our winners on their achievements and thanked the teachers of the Department of Chemistry who prepared the team.



