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«Scientific-Republican competition «Digital pupil» within the framework of the festival JAS GALYM «Balafest-2024»

On May 25, 2024 in the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay in the framework of the festival «BALAFEST 2024» JAS GALYM in a hybrid format was organized scientific - republican competition «Digital pupil».


The purpose of the contest is to develop digital skills of elementary school students.


The directions of the contest are:

1) Artificial Intelligence (AI).


3) Web content

4) 3Д


The competition consisted of 2 stages. The 1st stage of the contest was held online from May 6 to May 17. A total of 54 works were submitted to the contest, 16 of which were sent to the second stage.


Lyceum No. 7 named after A. Baitursynuly:

- Kazhigerey Alisher and Aven Sultan (supervisor: Sydyk A.R.),

- Abay Aliya (supervisor: Kodzhakhanova L.E.).

Gymnasium № 09:

- Otar Abylai (supervisor: Abirova Z.A),

National School named after Shokan:

-Sailaubek E.E. (supervisor: Bolatova G.N.)

Secondary school named after Bolek Batyr:

- Oraz Erkebulan, Baibatyr Ulas, Mukash Alima, Bukil Elaman, Aisha Bakytkyvny, Danabai Nuriman, Nurash Beknur, (Head: Bakhyt A.B);

- Sultanbek Sayajan, Sultanbek Ayazhan (supervisor: Berkalieva K.A.);

- Bakdaulet Dias (supervisor: Manabaevu M.N.);

Gymnasium № 159 named after Y.Altynsarin:

- Kazez Erkezhan, Bazaraly Aizere (supervisor: Shakenova A.K., Makhambetova G.E.)


16 works that passed to the second stage were evaluated by members of the commission according to predetermined criteria. The chairman of the commission is the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Associate Professor Abayeva G.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor Zhumabaeva A.E., Associate Professor Kariev A.D., doctoral students 1 course Yesentayeva B.U., Zhekeeva A.E. and the head of the Department of Elementary Education, Ph, Professor Kurbanova B.K. from Fergana State University of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department of Preschool Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Saliev I.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kholdarova I.G., Ismailov Sh.D. and Saidova N.O. evaluated the works of students and wished them success.


According to the results of the contest, the pupils who participated in the second stage received certificates and their supervisors were given letters of thanks. Six pupils who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and their leaders will be invited to the "Palace of Schoolchildren" on June 1 and awarded with diplomas and prizes.


The organizers of the competition:

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay Department of Elementary Education


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