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Expanding partnerships with European universities

On the 11th of July in 2024, as part of the international week with European partners, a delegation from Abai University visited the Pedagogical University of Tyrol in Innsbruck, Austria`s leading pedagogical university in the field of continuing education.

The Pedagogical University of Tyrol in Innsbruck (Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol), a partner of Abai University since 2019, during this time a lot of work has been done to introduce the model of dual education into the pedagogical education system, to identify targeted educational programs of dual education, where the best option was the university, pedagogical recommendations were put into effect within the framework of the Erasmus +"Kazdual" project. According to Regina, Rector of the University of Tyrol, the great advantage of the dual vocational education system is the unsurpassed combination of the educational process and effective training of professions. On the basis of a secondary school at the university, students can combine their practical studies and improve their professional competencies.

Next year, professors and experts from the University of Tyrol, by invitation of the leadership of Abai University, will develop joint innovative teacher training programs in the field of leadership in education, inclusive education, as well as educational programs for a double master`s degree in education, share best practices and a case study on the organization of a university-based school, a management model, will participate in scientific projects of the partner. In general, such a combination of cooperation, as Bolat Tilep, Rector of Abai University, noted, will be a key factor in the success of the Kazakh-Austrian partnership between universities, and the transfer of experience from a European university will become a valuable resource for improving the teacher education system in Kazakhstan.









