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A psychological training week was held on the topic «Adaptation without stress: to live in harmony» with the students of the hostel


From September 23 to 27, 2024, the Psychological Support Service organized a psychological training week on the topic «Adaptation without stress: live in harmony» for students of the hostel.


The main purpose of the training is to contribute to the successful adaptation of students in a new social environment, improving communication skills for communicating with people. In addition, the training helps to reduce stress levels and feel confident in a social environment.


The training began with the «Acquaintance» exercise so that each student could freely express himself. In the main part, a Team Tandem game was held, aimed at developing academic, psychological and social skills. From this exercise, students learned teamwork skills, self-awareness, and assessment of their own and others` personal qualities, which create conditions for joint solution of complex and multi-stage tasks. The training continued with the exercise «Joint creativity», aimed at strengthening relationships with each other. In addition, the exercise «Visual communication» was conducted to develop communication skills, create a favorable psychological climate in the group and adapt students.


Students, participating in training games and performing exercises, noted that a positive collective psychological climate had developed in the hostel, and they managed to strengthen relations with each other. About 150 students of dormitories No. 1, 2, 3, 8 and No. 5 took part in the training.




Psychological support service