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Competition «Computer modeling of physical processes»

Ass. professor of the Department of Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Rystygulova V. holds a competition «Computer modeling of physical processes» in the discipline «Computer modeling of physical processes», which she teaches, among students of the 2nd year of the specialty 5B060400-Physics on April 21 at 14.00 hours. 16 students will attend it. 4 teams were formed.

Tasks for teams in the competition:
1. The name of the team. Logo
2. Stand about the team
3. Computer game (Q & A)
4. Explain the physical phenomenon
5. Homework «Computer modeling of physical processes»


Competition Jury:
Bekpatshaev M. - Director of the Institute, Associate Professor Ualiev Z. -Deputy Director of the Institute for Science and International Relations, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of KazakhstanKosov V. -Head of the Department of Physics, Professor


Organizing Committee: Moderator of the competition: ass. professor of the Department of Physics, Ph. D. Rystygulova V.


Organizers: PhD, senior lecturer Bitibaeva Zh. master, teacher Sultanova K. students of the FEK-181 group Kazhymov Zh., Kapar T.




ID: 927 7630 1461,


Code: 193222