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International round table «Past, present and future of pedagogical science and education» will be held


On May 27, 2021, at 10.00 am, the International Round Table «Past, present and future of pedagogical science and education» dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Grigory Abramovich Umanov will take place offline and online.

Registration of the participants of the international round table: 9.00 - 10.00 a.m.

Start of the round table:
10.00 a.m.

ONLINE join a Zoom meeting




Conference ID: 925 4810 7165

Access code: 140244

OFFLINE - the place of the round table: 13, Dostyk avenue, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Abai KazNPU (room 320) (according to the approved list)The aim of the round table is to discuss the state and prospects of development of pedagogical science and education: domestic and foreign experience, exchange of opinions and ideas.


Leaders and specialists of higher education, teachers of universities, colleges, young scientists, post-doctoral fellows, PhD doctoral students, undergraduates are invited.


Languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

Information letter