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More information on COVID-19

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus that has not previously been detected in humans. Exposure to this virus leads to the development of a respiratory flu-like illness with symptoms such as cough, fever and, in more severe cases, pneumonia.



Coronavirus is transmitted mainly through contact with an infected person through coughing or sneezing, or by airborne droplets through the inhalation of droplets of saliva or nasal discharge.




The coronavirus infects the lungs. Symptoms begin with a high fever and sore throat, followed by a dry cough that can lead to difficulty breathing.

According to the observations of scientists, on average, symptoms appear after five days from the moment of infection, but in some people this period may be longer.

The WHO says the incubation period can be up to 14 days, but some doctors believe it can last up to 24 days.


- It is necessary to wear masks, wash hands often and thoroughly with soap, use alcohol preparations and other hand protection;
- observe etiquette: (keep your distance, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with disposable napkins, in their absence with the edges of your clothes or a bent elbow. Used paper napkins should be immediately thrown into the trash containers, if possible, wash your hands or wipe with protective equipment;
- avoid crowded places and close contact with febrile and coughing patients;
- seek immediate medical attention if you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or shortness of breath,
- avoid close contact with animals, birds, mammals on farms, contact zoos or in the wild;
- refrain from consuming raw or undercooked products of animal origin, seafood. Raw meat, milk, or other animal products should be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination of finished food in accordance with food safety regulations.



Recommendations and limitations

All employees, students and visitors at the entrance to the university and dormitory must:
- treat hands with an antiseptic solution;
- use protective equipment (medical masks, respirator masks);
- measure the temperature with a thermal imager at the entrance to the university and dormitories;
- refuse to visit crowded places;
- refuse to shake hands, kisses, hugs and other forms of physical contact.


To all employees and students, if signs of ARVI, influenza, fever are detected:
- stay at home and call an ambulance at 103;
- report the disease to the University Medical Service and the immediate supervisor.


Students living in dormitories should adhere to a strict regime of self-isolation, namely:
- stay in their own rooms and restrict visits to other rooms in the hostel;
- do not gather more than 4 people in one room;
- restrict exits from the territory of hostels, with the exception of exits for purchases in grocery stores and pharmacies;
- avoid visiting crowded places and moving by public transport and taxis;
- to minimize the time spent outside the territory of the hostel (the recommended time is not more than one hour).


Algorithm of actions when identifying signs of Coronavirus infection in an educational organization